You can't make wine without squashing some grapes. Excuse the mess while we upgrade our site design.

FreeFree to unleash your creativity.

Picture of woman with wineglass
Level up your expertise and career. Join our fast-growing international wine community by creating a free account and set up your profile. List the services you'd like to offer other members in your profile and earn income by, for example; create wine lists, host wine tastings, recommend wines, or build wine cellars for restaurants. It's up to you to be creative!
Browse the platform to discover wineries and wines you'd like to promote to restaurants in your network. And, if you know of a vineyard that you deem to be a good fit for Free Grape Society, please let us know. We'll contact them to join, so you can start selling their wines to your network or, order for your own business needs.
Picture of food and wine
You get a commission on all sales for which you place an order. The winery will ship the order directly to the restaurant. The prices featured on the site include shipping and if applicable, alcohol tax. Sounds interesting?
Picture of a yellow wineglass