You can't make wine without squashing some grapes. Excuse the mess while we upgrade our site design.

Free Grape Society is a European wine community bringing wineries, restaurants, and wine experts together.

A purple colored grapeA lime colored grape

Buying wine for a restaurant?

Free Grape Society is a new platform where you, as a restaurant gain access to unique artisanal wines directly from the vineyard, shipped to your restaurant without hassle. Sounds interesting? It's free to join too.

Directly from winery to wineglass.

Are you a winemaker?

Free Grape Society is a free new platform where winemakers across Europe can meet new customers who are truly interested in the wines you produce. After creating a vineyard profile on our site you can start selling and shipping your wines. Sounds interesting? Join today. Sell tomorrow.

Free to monetize your expertise.

Wine experts welcome!

We're a new free meeting platform where wine experts across Europe can make new connections in the wine world. Create an expert profile on our site to let restaurants and winemakers know what services you offer. Creating wine lists? Make wine recommendations? You name it!

New additions to Free Grape Society